Enjoy the World of Cartoons
This is the brand-new Daily Toon.
Brexit by Mattiello
You can find many cartoons from all over the world or upload your own cartoon now at!
Best regards,
the staff
This is the brand-new Daily Toon.
Brexit by Mattiello
You can find many cartoons from all over the world or upload your own cartoon now at!
Best regards,
the staff
Reapertura de La Tienda del Humor
La Tienda del Humor vuelve a estar en activo
Tras una intensa reforma, La Tienda del Humor del Instituto Quevedo del Humor vuelve a abrir. La puedes encontrar
Si conocías la tienda anterior, verás que nos hemos renovado, adaptándonos a las tecnologías que siguen en continua evolución. Ahora la tienda es accesible desde cualquier dispositivo con conexión a la red.
En ella tienes disponibles todos los libros y materiales editados desde la Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá a través de su Instituto Quevedo del Humor, así como otros muchos materiales de humoristas (gráficos y no gráficos), sección que vamos a ir ampliando a lo largo del año. Tenemos como objetivo en este año conseguir que esta tienda sea un referente en el mundo del humor, tanto para el ocio como para la investigación y la formación. Si eres humorista y quieres que tus productos formen parte de la tienda, entra aquí o escríbenos a para consultar nuestras condiciones de venta.
La Tienda del Humor es una tienda sin ánimo de lucro: todos los beneficios obtenidos son utilizados para financiar las actividades culturales, formativas y de investigación del Instituto Quevedo del Humor, como las exposiciones de la recién abierta Fábrica del Humor, en nuestra sede (Calle Nueva 4, Alcalá de Henares).
Para celebrar la apertura, regalamos un 10% de descuento en tu primera compra, que puedes conseguir suscribiéndote aquí.
Instituto Quevedo del humor
Calle Nueva 4. 28801 Alcalá de Henares | | +34 918797440
Tiburcio Illustrator
Leia o quadrinho abaixo, visite nosso site de patrocinio. Você escolhe o valor e pode até pagar em boleto!
Enjoy the World of Cartoons
This is the brand-new Daily Toon.
..bargeldlos... by markus-grolik
You can find many cartoons from all over the world or upload your own cartoon now at!
Best regards,
the staff
José Sarmento
Actualizações para ver no meu blog; siga em: / Updates to see on my blog; follow in:
Mehmet Karaman
Enjoy the World of Cartoons
This is the brand-new Daily Toon.
Die Hand 17 by Mehmet Karaman
You can find many cartoons from all over the world or upload your own cartoon now at!
Best regards,
the staff
Enjoy the World of Cartoons
This is the brand-new Daily Toon.
EU-Gipfel by Erl
You can find many cartoons from all over the world or upload your own cartoon now at!
Best regards,
the staff
O Salão Latino-americano de Humor foi criado com o intuito de divulgar a cultura, turismo, artes e a importância da América-Latina no contexto mundial através da arte do humor gráfico.
Uma organização com apoio do Memorial da América Latina (Brasil), Associação dos Cartunistas do Brasil e Instituto Memorial de Artes Gráficas do Brasil. Tem a curadoria do cartunista JAL (José Alberto Lovetro) e direção de arte de Gualberto Costa.
O tema desse ano: SONS DA AMÉRICA-LATINA - O tango, a rumba, o samba, bolero ou bossa nova, entre outros estilos, e seus grandes músicos, compositores e cantores poderão ser retratados em cartuns e caricaturas pelos desenhistas participantes.
Todos os desenhistas de humor gráfico (cartuns e caricaturas), profissionais ou não podem participar enviando até 3 (três) trabalhos sobre o tema proposto no ano. O trabalho não precisa ser inédito mas não poderá ter sido premiado em qualquer outro evento anterior.
Inscrições: de 10/01/2016 até 15/03/2016.
Seleção de trabalhos (cerca de 150) que participarão da exposição e premiação: 15/03/2016 a 22/03/2016.
Votação final entre participantes selecionados: de 24/03/2016 a 10/04/2016.
Início da exposição no Espaço Gabriel Garcia Marques do Memorial da América Latina: 18/04/2016 a 20/05/2016.
As inscrições serão realizadas através de preenchimento de ficha de inscrição dentro do site junto ao regulamento do mesmo.
As dimensões de cada desenho é de 30cm x 40cm (horizontal ou vertical) com 300 DPI, jpeg, RGB, qualidade média.
O prêmio será de R$ 12.000,00, convertido em outra moeda caso o premiado seja de fora do Brasil, na data de envio para o mesmo. A comissão organizadora entrará em contato imediato após o dia 18 de abril para o pagamento desses valores integrais já com impostos pagos mas com os custos de envio para outros países descontados conforme a lei vigente.
Haverá um júri de seleção com pessoas capacitadas escolhidas pela organização do evento e o júri final será composto pelos próprios participantes, selecionados para a exposição, em votação pessoal de cada um por e-mail. Cada votante não poderá votar em si próprio, mas em outro qualquer selecionado. Essa votação final terá data de inicio e fim e terá um vencedor, independente de algum dos selecionados não ter conseguido votar até aquela data final. A votação será aberta para que todos os votantes tenham conhecimento dos votos de cada um.
O participante inscrito concorda com todos os itens desse regulamento logo que houver seu pedido aceito e se responsabilizará pelo seu trabalho como de sua criação própria. O resultado da premiação poderá ser contestado até uma semana após a inauguração da exposição, caso qualquer pessoa possa comprovar quaisquer irregularidades que possam ter sido cometidas sem o conhecimento da organização e seus jurados.
O participante ainda concorda em ceder automaticamente os direitos autorais de sua(s) obra(s) inscritas para reproduções e publicações em qualquer suporte de mídia, de forma irrestrita, com o objetivo de divulgação do evento. Inclusive para a possível confecção de um catálogo com os trabalhos selecionados.
Qualquer outra pendência aqui não lembrada deverá ser resolvida pelos organizadores do evento.
Tjeerd Royaards
Enjoy the World of Cartoons
This is the brand-new Daily Toon.
Shadow over the White House by Tjeerd Royaards
You can find many cartoons from all over the world or upload your own cartoon now at!
Best regards,
the staff
This is the brand-new Daily Toon.
Shadow over the White House by Tjeerd Royaards
You can find many cartoons from all over the world or upload your own cartoon now at!
Best regards,
the staff
Enjoy the World of Cartoons
This is the brand-new Daily Toon.
Schiffbruch by Jupp
You can find many cartoons from all over the world or upload your own cartoon now at!
Best regards,
the staff
This is the brand-new Daily Toon.
Schiffbruch by Jupp
You can find many cartoons from all over the world or upload your own cartoon now at!
Best regards,
the staff
João Amaral
Esta semana, a exemplo do que aconteceu na semana passada, o Fred decidiu que não iria aparecer por estas paragens. Diz ele que se está a mascarar. Ficam por isso os votos de um bom Carnaval para todos e a certeza de que muito brevemente o miúdo voltará ao nosso convívio...
Tiburcio Illustrator
Meu Monarca Favorito
Neste domingo o quarto episódio de A UM PASSO DA LUA em MEU MONARCA FAVORITO! Para entender melhor esta tira leia O NANICO que já está lá publicado, link no comentário!
Neste domingo o quarto episódio de A UM PASSO DA LUA em MEU MONARCA FAVORITO! Para entender melhor esta tira leia O NANICO que já está lá publicado, link no comentário!
Διεθνές Φεστιβάλ Γελοιογραφίας
Organization Municipality Dafni-Ymittos, Ergastiri
With the support of Feco Greece Levadia
Information: Τel.: 2107623568, 6987046005
Subject to cartoon and sketch: The Refugeeism (becoming a refuge) & Immigration.
We want to highlight the Refugeeism and Immigration are global phenomena with great history and great intensity in our days. The causes that generate these phenomena and issues arising for departure societies, reception and installation.
The Caricature and Cartoon Exhibition will be held
To organize events which will include lectures, performances
October 22 - November 5
Events Hall Municipal Community Hymettus and various artistic and other events.
The drawings must be black and white or in color.
Each participant may present up to 3 drawings (size A3).
Resolution must be at least 300 dpi.
It would be preferable that the drawings should not contain any text or comments. In case they do, the English or Greek language should definitely be included.
The use of collage is prohibited.
The drawings must be sent via e-mail.
The drawings that the Artistic Committee will judge that have been copied from other cartoonists’ works will be disqualified.
The drawings should not have been exhibited before.
The drawings should not have offensive content.
A short CV, the e-mail address, Skype account (if available), and the postal address of each participant is required.
All participating drawings may be exhibited in a touring exhibition in Greece or abroad.
The drawings should not have been published previously
Drawings that do not correspond to above requirements will not be accepted, and the Cartoonist will be informed by e-mail
They will be exhibited to 200 drawings to be evaluated by the Jury Committee.
The prizes will be decided by the Jury Committee Eminent experts from the world of Letters and Arts will make up the Committee.
The drawings may be used in the advertising campaign of the exhibition. On no account should drawings or copies be sold. Commercial exploitation of part or the whole exhibition is prohibited.
Participating artists will not receive any kind of payment for their Copyright of the exhibition belongs to the organizers.
Participants will receive a digital catalogue of the exhibition.
Participation in the exhibition implies full acceptance of all the above terms.
The Jury Committee members’ names will be announced soon.
Submission Deadline: June 12th
The drawings should be sent to the following e-mail address:
1st Prize
5 days accommodation (nights) at Delphi Palace Hotel (4*) Delphi
Sponsor Iniohos Kaltsis SA
2nd Prize
3 days accommodation (nights) at Delphi Palace Hotel (4*) Delphi
Sponsor Iniohos Kaltsis SA
3rd Prize
Album of works by expressionist Painter George Bouzianis
(in English or Greek language) edition of the Benaki Museum
4th Prize
Book, CD
5th Prize
Book, CD
Visitor’s award
Book, CD
They also awarded 10 Praises
All participants whose works will be exhibited will receive a
Digital Certificate of Participation.
The Organizing Committee
Organization Municipality Dafni-Ymittos, Ergastiri
With the support of Feco Greece Levadia
Information: Τel.: 2107623568, 6987046005
Subject to cartoon and sketch: The Refugeeism (becoming a refuge) & Immigration.
We want to highlight the Refugeeism and Immigration are global phenomena with great history and great intensity in our days. The causes that generate these phenomena and issues arising for departure societies, reception and installation.
The Caricature and Cartoon Exhibition will be held
To organize events which will include lectures, performances
October 22 - November 5
Events Hall Municipal Community Hymettus and various artistic and other events.
The drawings must be black and white or in color.
Each participant may present up to 3 drawings (size A3).
Resolution must be at least 300 dpi.
It would be preferable that the drawings should not contain any text or comments. In case they do, the English or Greek language should definitely be included.
The use of collage is prohibited.
The drawings must be sent via e-mail.
The drawings that the Artistic Committee will judge that have been copied from other cartoonists’ works will be disqualified.
The drawings should not have been exhibited before.
The drawings should not have offensive content.
A short CV, the e-mail address, Skype account (if available), and the postal address of each participant is required.
All participating drawings may be exhibited in a touring exhibition in Greece or abroad.
The drawings should not have been published previously
Drawings that do not correspond to above requirements will not be accepted, and the Cartoonist will be informed by e-mail
They will be exhibited to 200 drawings to be evaluated by the Jury Committee.
The prizes will be decided by the Jury Committee Eminent experts from the world of Letters and Arts will make up the Committee.
The drawings may be used in the advertising campaign of the exhibition. On no account should drawings or copies be sold. Commercial exploitation of part or the whole exhibition is prohibited.
Participating artists will not receive any kind of payment for their Copyright of the exhibition belongs to the organizers.
Participants will receive a digital catalogue of the exhibition.
Participation in the exhibition implies full acceptance of all the above terms.
The Jury Committee members’ names will be announced soon.
Submission Deadline: June 12th
The drawings should be sent to the following e-mail address:
1st Prize
5 days accommodation (nights) at Delphi Palace Hotel (4*) Delphi
Sponsor Iniohos Kaltsis SA
2nd Prize
3 days accommodation (nights) at Delphi Palace Hotel (4*) Delphi
Sponsor Iniohos Kaltsis SA
3rd Prize
Album of works by expressionist Painter George Bouzianis
(in English or Greek language) edition of the Benaki Museum
4th Prize
Book, CD
5th Prize
Book, CD
Visitor’s award
Book, CD
They also awarded 10 Praises
All participants whose works will be exhibited will receive a
Digital Certificate of Participation.
The Organizing Committee