Enjoy the World of Cartoons
This is the brand-new Daily Toon.


You can find many cartoons from all over the world or upload your own cartoon now at toonpool.com!

Best regards,
the toonpool.com staff

Juan Carlos Partidas

Roberto Netto

Jose Ramirez

This is a tribute to the most inneficient minister of justice Spain has ever got. He promised the independence of the highest court in Spain, The CGPJ which should have been elected by other judges, NO BY THE TWO MAIN PARTIES. He hasn't modified the way our justice works in order to become more effective and modern: the disorder in the offices and justice facilities is caotic: some cases which in a modern country could be solved within months in Spain takes 25 times more (sometimes decades). The former law of the abort allows aborts with the excuse of "psycological discomfort" by the possible mother and the result is the most negative rate of births in the developed world (You could take this as something like a silence collective suicide for a whole country). And the worst: the amnisty of the most dangerous terrorists of the ETA terrorist group. The terrorists with 25 kills (and more) in other countries would have found the death penalty (for instance). In Spain Gallardón has taken out all of these terrorists with more than 15 kills on their backs with only 23 years inside the jail.
The last point is what Spanish people can't understand due to the no explanation of this policy. Thi is why we all think that the Government is negotiating with the ETA terrorist group with the false hope of the PEACE.
The two last governments have made possible ETA has reached the government of the cities, regions and now in the future, hopes to reach the National Congress with the collaboration of the last two administrations. Mariano Rajoy Brey is developing the next part of the accords reached with the last administration, the administration of J. L. R. Zapatero.
The blood of the 900 victims killed by ETA is on the back of Gallardón and Mariano Rajoy Brey and the rest who are betraying Spanish people, who don't deserve this.
For more references, you can click on this link:

Mauricio Rett

Carlos Sêco

No blogue "Divulgando BD", Geraldes Lino, especialista na 9.ª arte e grande divulgador das histórias aos quadradinhos, fala de Jonas o Reguila. Basta seguir a ordem alfabética e lá está um texto totalmente dedicado ao nosso pequeno herói. Para ver no link abaixo indicado.


Stanisław Kościesza

Nuno Pereira de Sousa

A revista de banda desenhada mais antiga em circulação em Portugal chega ao número 99. Nas suas 44 páginas, 25 são dedicadas à BD As Sereias Negras (Le Sirene Oscure, originalmente publicada na revista homónima italiana #107, em fevereiro de 2013):

Argumento: Nicola Venanzetti
Desenho: Lucia Baletti
Arte-final: Alessandro Battari

O brinde oferecido é, conforme tínhamos noticiado há cerca de um mês, um tapa-orelhas.

Para quem gosta de passatempos, a revista explica como pode ganhar uma viagem para 4 pessoas ao Rainbow Magicland, o parque de diversões de Roma.

Entretanto, já é conhecido qual será o brinde da 100.ª edição (um DVD com 15 videoclips Winx) e que a 100.ª revista indicará como concorrer ao passatempo que permite ganhar um cruzeiro Winx de 9 dias e 8 noites para 4 pessoas.

BOSTOONS themag! No. 220

Humor Internacional, en serio

Año V, No. 220, 24 noviembre 2013

¡Hola fan del Mag!

Aquí está BOSTOONS themag! No. 220, la revista de todos, una publicación humorística llena de sorpresas. Haz click en este enlace:


Roberto Netto

João Amaral

Mauricio Rett

Nuno Pereira de Sousa

Numa altura em que a capa do Disney Comix #51 substituiu a do #50 nos MUPI, a Hiper Disney da Goody chegará amanhã ao seu 12.º número, completando assim o seu Ano I. Walt Disney nasceu a 5 de dezembro de 1911. No ano passado, a editora Goody utilizou esta efeméride para um apregoado “regresso” das revistas de banda desenhada Disney em Portugal, através de duas publicações. (...)

Black Curls

Trying something a little different in the painting style.
10 minutes sketch, meh — com Black Curls.

João Amaral

Saman Torabi

Enjoy the World of Cartoons
This is the brand-new Daily Toon.

Rihanna by saman torabi

You can find many cartoons from all over the world or upload your own cartoon now at toonpool.com!

Best regards,
the toonpool.com staff

José Sarmento

Homenagem a Manuel António Pina

Mauricio Rett


Enjoy the World of Cartoons
This is the brand-new Daily Toon.

Big oil fixes prices by rodrigo

You can find many cartoons from all over the world or upload your own cartoon now at toonpool.com!

Best regards,
the toonpool.com staff

Black Curls

Hey Hey guys! I have News!
In the end of this week I will be available to view portfolios/your work and give FREE HUGS! Yeahi!

This Friday, day 15, I will be at Fórum Fantástico, along with incredible artists, in a relaxed session, where I will be talking a little about my work, at 5:30 pm.
More information: http://forumfantastico.wordpress.com/programa-2013/

And on Saturday (day 16) it´s going to be all day in the Festival In! You can find me at the NCreatures Stand:.https://www.facebook.com/NCreatures

So show up and say something!
See ya there!
Black Curls

Roberto Netto

Para aqueles que curtem meu trabalho, será uma honra tê-los como seguidores do meu blog.Ainda mais agora, que acabei de atualiza-lo com vários cartuns INFAMES. Confiram.

Endereço do blog: http://cartunistanetto.blogspot.com.br/.

João Amaral

Hoje, excepcionalmente, não há tira do Fred. Para a semana explicarei porquê. Mas para todos os fiéis seguidores, ficam, a título de compensação, alguns dos primeiros desenhos que elaborei, com o intuito de apresentar a tira que iria ser publicada. Quanto à tira, é só questão de aguardar pacientemente uns quantos dias...

Carlos Sêco

Aqui fica um postal para usarem neste Carnav... perdão, Dia das Bruxas ou Halloween, como lhe queiram chamar.

Carlos Sêco 

Hasan Bleibel

João Amaral

Tiburcio Illustrator



Enjoy the World of Cartoons
This is the brand-new Daily Toon.

Mother complex by toons

You can find many cartoons from all over the world or upload your own cartoon now at toonpool.com!

Best regards,
the toonpool.com staff

Fernando Balão

Mathematics Cartoon Competition

Ahoy dear artists,

thank you so much again for all the wonderful cartoons you have submitted to join the competition of cartoons on mathematics! After the jury's decision, the German Mathematical Society has finally announced the winner of the cartoon prize for mathematics 2013: Oliver Ottitsch, a young cartoonist from Austria. https://dmv.mathematik.de/ Great congratulations, Oliver! Within next two weeks we will contact further cartoonists for joining an exhibition...

Thank you!

Peace & smiles,

Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung
German Mathematical Society
Medienbüro Mathematik
Freie Universität Berlin
Prof. Günter M. Ziegler

Mauricio Rett